Dr. Joshua “Josh” Este is a board-certified MD from Newport, Oregon. He serves as an internal medicine physician who provides care within a critical access setting. Possessing a wide knowledge of general medicine, Josh Este, MD, has assisted patients with issues such as allergic reactions.
Allergic reactions typically take place when the immune system is overly sensitive to substances that are usually harmless. These substances are known as allergens and range from nuts to pet dander. Allergies impact as much as 40 percent of people worldwide.
There are several ways in which allergens may enter the body, including inhalation, eating or drinking, injection, and skin contact. Skin contact is known as contact dermatitis and involves touching something repeatedly to which one has an allergy. Rashes typically appear between 24 and 48 hours after this contact. It is important to note that an allergy-related rash is not necessarily contact dermatitis. An allergen that has entered the body (through eating peanut butter, for example) may also trigger inflammation and a skin rash.
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